Meet Bacon. Again, not a name anyone here came up with but definately a little more creative than the last few we've had. Anywho, Bacon is the newest addition to the farm. He is a 400 pound barrow. That means that someone got a hold to him when he was a baby boy hog and took a pair of things that look like pliers and a small rubber band and... seriously, haven't you learned anything? You should know full well what happened to that hog. He's a boy hog missing some parts. In his case, he is missing parts because he was a show hog. Apparently, animals are much better for showing without their parts. They are more well behaved. I promise, I'm not making any of this up. If you're brave you can try to google it. If I were you, though, I would just trust that I know what I'm talking about and do not type castrated baby boy hog into the google bar. Really, just trust me. Well, aside from all of that stuff, I'm pleased to introduce you to Bacon. Bacon meet Everybody, Everybody meet Bacon.
He's a big dude. Here let me get his good side.
No, wait, that's not it.
I still don't feel like you have a good idea of how large this guy is. See the tiny shadow of me on the ground? Does that make you feel like he's pretty big? What about the fact that three young boys rode him like a horse when we got him home? Does that give you any idea of how large this guy is?
See him towering there over the 250 lb hog that grew up here? Does that help?
The girl that grew up here is called 'the runt'. That's because that's what she was. 'The runt' was starving to death because she was so small that she couldn't fight her brothers and sisters for food. My brother in law and I got in the pen and caught her and he took her home and raised her in his dog pen. He brought her back after we sold all of the other babies. I wonder if it brings back bad memories for her, now that she has to fight some giant for food again. Hope not.
has there EVER been a cooler name for a pig than bacon? i love it! the ears of the pig are REALLY PINK in one photo - is that just the light?